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The Road to Becoming a CIO in Arizona

IMG_7443-1300x866The road to becoming a chief information officer, or CIO, is a long and tedious one, but it is a role that will certainly payoff in the end. Beginning a career as a CIO almost always starts with an entry-level position in the IT sector, whether it is that of a systems analyst, software programmer or network technician. Starter roles like these are crucial in developing the versatile skill set needed in to oversee IT operations on behalf of an entire business enterprise.

Translating Your Achievements into Quantifiable Accomplishments

For those who are not intimately familiar with IT slang, particularly CEOs and business owners who are not computer savvy, understanding the benefits of having a dedicated CIO on hand can be difficult to understand. This is precisely why you need to display your achievements in a manner that is easily digestible.

Refrain from using technical jargon wherever possible, and try to provide real world examples of how CIOs have helped similar companies. Moreover, backing up this information with hard statistics and figures can go a long way in painting a clear picture of the benefits of a CIO.

Finally, try not to bog anyone down with extensive reports, whitepapers or other technical documents. Instead, make sure to display all of this information in a clear and concise manner while utilizing available software to create presentations and charts that are both visually appealing and easy to understand.

Brand Development

The hard work doesn’t stop once you’ve obtained the role of CIO. In fact, this is where things really begin to pick up steam. You’ll need to take into account any brand strategies that are already in place, taking care to utilize corporate branding protocol on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore, you’ll need to be adept at forecasting, anticipating and adapting to new trends within the ever-evolving IT industry in order to ensure future brand sustainability.

Balancing Organizational Goals with IT Strategy

As a dedicated CIO, one of your biggest concerns should be the balancing of company goals with those of your own IT strategy. With a vast increase in service management options, as well as the availability of new innovations such as cloud-based computing, CIOs have more creative freedom than ever before when it comes to developing an internal IT strategy.

Many different forms of data storage, governance, protection and security can all be used, even interchangeably, to cater to the specific needs of nearly any company. However, if these tactics fail to match up with the long-term goals of the organization, or if they are detrimental to the enterprise, you might find yourself back at square one.

In Conclusion

Whether you are an experienced IT professional looking to start your own career path on the road to becoming a CIO, or if you are an established enterprise looking to supplement your workforce through the application of a dedicated CIO, you can rely on the experts at AZ Tech Finders to help you throughout all of your professional endeavors. If you are looking for technical recruiters in Phoenix, contact our team today.
