There are many reasons why using a recruiter to help you find your next job is a smart idea. The three most important are simple: recruiters save you time, effort, and money. Here is how working with a recruiter can help you come out on top in more ways than just the job front:
Recruiters are well versed in all things employment. Recruiters have been working in the IT industry for many years. They have the resources and contacts that allow them to find the employers looking for your skill set. Recruiters can also help you filter out the employers that may not be the best fit for your talent.
Recruiters not only have relationships with you, they have long standing relationships with the employers. They are able to work with the employers and filter out who is looking for your skill set and is willing to pay your salary. A recruiter is able to take a lot of the guesswork out of your job search.
President Barry Asin, a keynote speaker at the 2013 Staffing Industry Analyst Executive Forum, discussed the growth of the staffing and recruiting industry over the next five years. He specifically mentioned that online recruiting would reach nearly $5 billion in 2013. More importantly, Asin stated, that information technology is one of the fastest growing sectors of the recruiting industry.
IT recruiters are developing better relationships with leading industry employers. They are able to save you time and money on your job search. Because of the growth of the IT industry, recruiters are beginning to specialize in finding new opportunities. Using an IT recruiter will help expand your professional network, beyond what you have developed alone.
AZ Tech Finders has been talking nerdy since 1998. Our experienced IT job recruiters have a vast network of resources in the Phoenix Arizona area. If you are looking for assistance in your job search, contact our experts today.