If you are searching for ways to hone your skill set and increase your hireability, an excellent option is training and education. Training in a specialization or increasing your working knowledge of relevant advances in your industry is a particularly helpful method of increasing your own hireability and professional worth, as well as helps your resume to stand out from the crowd when submitting for contract work. Contract work helps you expand your skill set and connects you with people at different companies and corporations in your industry, and can make you a more sought-after candidate and put you at the forefront for the most choice opportunities.
First, consider your strengths, weaknesses, and interests. It is beneficial to foster all of these; it never hurts to get better at something you already excel in, improving upon something that is a weakness can help you achieve a breakthrough, and learning about specific industry topics in which you take interest is likely to energize and excite you. Whatever your desired path at this time, there is likely an educational opportunity to help you begin.
Second, investigate coursework that seems aligned with what you hope to get out of it overall. Be sure that your learning style would be appropriate for the curriculum; an individual who learns best in an interactive way would not likely benefit greatly from a static, lecture-style experience. Try to avoid classes or workshops that do not focus on the application of the principles being taught, as opposed to simply outlining those principles. Choose a course that fits your needs and that will engage you.
Next, be sure to update your resume after your complete each course or workshop. You may start to notice that the “specializations” section in your portfolio is growing thicker–that’s great! Keeping up with all your continuing education hours and certificates when you are able to show an employer exactly how knowledgeable you may be about a particular subject or niche.
Last, seek contract work that appeals to what you wish to concentrate on. Perhaps you have invested a great deal of time in learning about systems analysis or mobile app design; use a recruiter to help you find contract work with those parameters. The contacts that can be gained from engaging in contract work are invaluable; do not underestimate the value of face time, however temporary, in a company or corporation that appeals to you.
If you are seeking contract work or educational opportunities, contact us today. We can help you tadalafil generic vs cialis determine the most prudent and profitable plan for your professional development and personal fulfillment. AZ Tech Finders has the resources and network to help you advance your career and find your next job in Phoenix AZ.