Ask any hiring manager what the most important skills are for working in IT, you will likely find that the answer is not wrapped up in comprehensive knowledge of coding languages, or being capable of building networks. Those skills are a given in the field, and should be similar across the board for applicants of like positions. So, what are the skills that are most valuable to your successful career in IT? Soft skills are landing candidates jobs at the most desirable companies.
1 Speak the language. You may be well versed in many languages that revolve around jargon and a working knowledge of network systems. That should be very helpful to you around your IT co-workers–other “native speakers”–but can you speak to users and customers with clarity and inclusiveness?
2 Pay attention to how your body talks. Lifehacker offers several helpful tips in recognizing body language, which may also be helpful in becoming more mindful of your own physical cues. You may give everything to the customer that is asked of you, but if you appear standoffish because you constantly cross your arms or rarely make eye contact, your customer will receive mixed cues and messages, creating ambiguity and therefore open a potential for anxiety.
3 Be the willow. Sir Walter Scott once said, “The willow which bends to the tempest, often escapes better than the oak which resists it,” Customers and users are people, and people are inherently ever-changing. If you are able to bend like the willow, you will find that your relationship with your clients will be happier ones.
4 Remain visible. If you remember that “ambiguity breeds anxiety” as mentioned before, you will be more open to your users and customers regarding the progress you are making and the steps that you are taking to serve them. Customers want to feel involved, and when you allow them access to you and the projects you are working on for them, you create a relationship of trust.
5 Engage your team. Teamwork and projects go hand-in-hand–and unless you plan on working alone on projects for the duration of your career, you need to know how to work well with any team to which you are assigned. Try to remain open and flexible, use team projects as a way to either learn or teach, and complete your tasks in the most effective and timely manner of which you are capable.
Soft skills such as these are imperative for advancement in your IT career. Working on these skills by attending workshops, meeting with a mentor. If you would like assistance in finding companies for which you would be exceptionally suited, contact us today. We can help you hone your soft skills, create a plan to achieve the career goals you set for yourself, and encourage you to along the way!